Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Blogger Play & My New Blog

Hi There!! While the work on the Shanghai postcards continues, I just wanted to post something to introduce to you my new blog on technology as I had promised in one of my previous posts and to let you know of another cool thing that Google has come up with, Blogger Play.

First of all, Blogger Play. What should I say? Check it out yourself Aint it cool?

Lastly, I have also started a blog on technology I am working on. Check out my tech blog in Some Sassy Links. And let me know your feedback/suggestions.

I might be going to Mysore for Dussehra this weekend and try and click as many pics as possible. But before I post about that I will complete the Postcard Series! So watch out!

And please keep commenting! It really is a source of encouragement for me to keep on posting!