Long time, no post! Well, have been a bit lazy lately... you know.. there were quite a few things to write about but just didnt have the drive to sit and write.. But finally I decided that it was getting a bit too late.. So here we are...
This post is titled a Great Day for Freedom...Freedom.. that's an interesting word.. I wonder how many of us understand its true meaning.. In my view a state of complete freedom is one when whatever you do, wherever you do, whenever you do, your actions are not bound by constraints. Your surroundings do not have any effect on the outcome of your actions and vice versa.
Can we ever attain this freedom? Its like asking "Can we ever tell where does the curve xy=1 meet the coordinate axes?" I hope you understood what I meant. There are a number of things from which we want to attain freedom. One of this things is getting up in the morning to catch the company cab just to find out that you have missed it by a whisker.
Yah you guessed it right. "I've got a bike. You can ride it if you like." A Black Honda Unicorn 150 cc with 0-60 kmph in less than 6 secs. I guess life will be a lot convenient now.
image courtesy
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