Monday, December 22, 2008

Some random song...

Its almost 13 very dusty kilometers from my office back to home. Nowadays I have started listening to my i-pod on the way back. However, there have been times, when with nothing to do, I have tried to come up with a few songs. I find that my mind really works well there is a lot inside for it to say. 

Once I was returning home tired and was flabber-gasted by the dust that was in the air that day. Irritated I came up with the following song. Can't sing it to you, so leave the tune to your imagination.

All around, everywhere.
there's dust in the air.
dust in my eyes, dust in my mouth
dust everywhere, i go north or south.

where's the place
where no dust is found
is it outer space
is it under ground
dust in my eyes, dust in my mouth
dust everywhere, i go north or south.

others in posts to follow...

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Damn The Geeky Sassy!

Yes Damn him!! Thanks to his new found interest in ASP.NET he has ignored us completely . He has forgotten about this blog. He only posts on his tech blog. To hell with him. I am not visiting this blog anymore.

Calm Down Folks!! There are hell lot of things I gotta write about, with the final postcard being one of them. But I am tied up with quite a few things.

But I cannot blame my workload. I gotta blame my time management. So I am trying to have a focussed approach (yeah right!! how many times have we heard that before??) Lets not be very optimistic. But lets be hopeful!

Definetly something before march end. Till then Thanks for Visiting!!


Monday, February 04, 2008

The Final Postcard-On its way!!

We all have been waiting for the final postcard from Shanghai to arrive! WE!!!????

Let me confess! I have been waiting as well to finish off that chapter for quite some time now! Though I could still go on and on about the trip to China, I think it is quite a drag now! So I have begun work on on e final post which will bid adieu to China! Hopefully that will be done by the month end and I could then move on to newer posts. If you are thinking what is keeping me so busy, visit my tech-blog over the next few weeks and you shall know!!

Till the final one arrives.....Cheers and Have fun!!